The objectives of this study were; to establish the effect of teacher attitudes and teacher preparedness on the implementation of early literacy in lower primary public schools in Mvita Sub County, Mombasa Kenya. The target population in this research was 124 lower primary teachers in all Twenty-five (25) public primary schools in Mvita sub-county. The lower primary teachers were the respondents for the study because they were the perfect choice to answer the questions that arose from the study objectives due to the information they held on the implementation of Tusome Program. The study used census method where by all the 124 respondents were used for the study. The study used both open ended and closed-ended questions. The data collected was compiled and analyzed by use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 for the purpose of validity and reliability. The findings of this study may assist teachers and head teachers in identifying areas which need improvement in the implementation of Tusome Program. The findings would also benefit learners as service delivery would be improved. This study would provide a source of knowledge to the curriculum developers and implementers on teacher factors influencing implementation of new education curriculum. The study would also be of a great importance to other scholars who carry out related studies hence use information in this study as an empirical review in their studies. The study concluded that Teacher attitude and teacher preparedness influence the implementation of Tusome Program in lower primary public schools in Mvita Sub-County. The regression analysis also confirmed that there was a significant relationship between implementation of Tusome Program and independent variables teacher attitude and teacher preparedness. The study recommended that lower primary school teachers should be allocated adequate time to enable them cover the syllabus and should also have enough time to check and mark students work.
Key Words: Teacher Attitudes, Teacher Preparedness, Early Literacy, Lower Primary Public Schools
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i3.875
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