The main objective of this study was to identify the determinants of Public Procurement regulatory compliance by County governments in Kenya. The research design employed in this study was descriptive. The target population comprised 525 respondents. Stratified random sampling was used with sample size of 20% of the target population, which comprised of 105 respondents. The study collected data using questionnaires. The study adopted both qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques. Data was edited after collection and analyzed using SPSS Version 21.0 and Microsoft word tools. The study found that procurement process management, Procurement Ethics, Contract Management and Financial Cost Management had a positive and significant influence on procurement regulatory compliance. The study concluded that an improvement in procurement process management, Procurement ethics, Contract Management and Financial cost Management would lead to a positive improvement in procurement regulatory compliance in Homa Bay County, Kenya. The study recommended that the government of Kenya and other policy makers in procurement and county governments sector should stipulate policies that would improve the institutionalization of E-procurement so as to enhance the procurement regulatory compliance in county governments. There is also need to invest in training on internal controls in order to enhance their skills, knowledge and overall prowess in dealing with procurement regulatory compliance. The study also recommended that the government of Kenya and other policy makers should stipulate policies that would improve institutionalization of accountability, transparency and integrity in the procurement process so that compliance to procurement regulations can be enhanced.
Key Words: Procurement Ethics, Contract Management, Procurement Process, Financial Cost, Procurement Regulatory Compliance
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