In entrepreneurship, researchers and policy makers have sought to understand the link between an individuals and business creation: Why some individuals start a business while others do not? In the past, the Kenya government’s education policies have aimed at promoting self-employment for alternative job creation in formal employment. Despite training youths in Vocational Technical Training Institutes with the aim of venturing into self- employment, a large number continue to seek paid employment, with many of them remaining unemployed. There is hardly any empirical studies undertaken on determinants of entrepreneurial intention in Vocational Technical Training Institute in Kenya and this study intend to fill this gap.
The objectives of the study were to determine how social valuation and career attraction, influence entrepreneurial intentions among Vocational Training Institute students in Kenya. Descriptive research design was used, target population was Vocational Training Institute students, while study population was 494 Cap Proportionate stratified random sampling was used and self- administered questionnaire was adopted. Data analyses involved descriptive, correlation and regression analysis. A response rate of 89% was obtained and majority of the respondents were female and majority were within the age bracket of 21-23 and 24-26 years. Reliability test was conducted and all factors had Cronbach alphas of 0.7 and therefore measures were internally consistent and validated using content, convergent and discriminant validity tests.
Objective one investigated the relationship between social valuation and entrepreneurial intention among Vocational Technical Training Institute students in Kenya Social valuation had a weak positive correlation with entrepreneurial intention, and also explained below average variation in entrepreneurial intention. This implies that important referent persons to an individual’s do not influence him/her towards in self employment. Objective two investigated the relationship between career attraction and entrepreneurial intention among Vocational Technical Training Institute students in Kenya. Career attraction had a moderate positive correlation with entrepreneurial intention, and also explained above average variation in entrepreneurial intention. This implies that Kenya graduates had positive attitude towards self employment.
The study concluded that social variation was the most important predictor of determinant of entrepreneurial intention among Kenya graduate youth. The study recommended that a lot of awareness relating to entrepreneurial activity should be done so as the negative perception about business venture being risky to venture. Secondly, government and non-governmental organization should provide funds as capital both inform grant and affordable loans to youth who want to venture in entrepreneurship. Thirdly, government and non-governmental organization to provide business support services to both the potential and practicing entrepreneurs. Therefore, these results if implemented can stimulate youth entrepreneurship in Kenya and thus reduce the high rate of youth unemployment in Kenya. Finally, further research could continue with the study, however, individual family background, antecedents of Theory of Planned Behaviour, need for achievement, locus of control and risk taking propensity to be predictors.
Key Words: Entrepreneurial, Vocational Technical Training
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