This study sought to find the determinants of inventory control systems implementation in the Manufacturing Industries in Kenya, using a case study of East Africa Packaging Industries Limited. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; To determine the influence of staff training on inventory control systems implementation in the Manufacturing Industries in Kenya; To determine the influence of funding on inventory control systems implementation in the Manufacturing Industries in Kenya; To determine the influence of top management support on inventory control systems implementation in the Manufacturing Industries in Kenya; and To determine the influence of IT Infrastructure on inventory control systems implementation in the Manufacturing Industries in Kenya. The study adopted a survey research design. The population of the study was the employees of East African Packaging Industries Ltd. in Nairobi County, Kenya with a population of 310 employees and sample size of 147 respondents. The study used questionnaires for data collection. Upon carrying out data organization, analysis was done by use of statistical techniques. Computer packages such as Microsoft excel and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Version 25) was used to facilitate analysis as they have in-built formulas. The study established that 69.4% of the total variance in the dependent variable (inventory control systems implementation) could significantly be explained by combined independent variables (Staff Training, Funding, Top Management Support, and IT Infrastructure). This showed that 30.6% could be explained by other factors. Therefore, the study recommended that East Africa Packaging Industries Limited together with other Manufacturing Industries in Kenya should use determinants of inventory control systems implementation as established in this study which include; Staff Training, Funding, Top Management Support, and IT Infrastructure, as they were found to be key to a successful inventory control systems implementation.
Key Words: Staff Training, Funding, Top Management, IT Infrastructure, Inventory Control Systems
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