The purpose of the study was to assess the influence of on the job training on employee turnover in chartered public universities. The main type of research design to be used was descriptive. The unit of analysis was 31 chartered public universities in Kenya and accessible population of three universities. The target population was 6598 staff of the three universities. Krejcie and Morgan sampling table (1970) was used to get a sample size of 365 respondents. Proportionate stratified random sampling was used to select the sample population. Primary data was collected by use of questionnaires. Data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics was used to summarize the data. Inferential statistics involved the use of multiple linear regression to establish the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. The study found that job rotation in the institutions was not effective since only a few employees were rotated, hence a great majority of the employees remained in the same job positions. Coaching in the institutions was inadequate. Coaching in the institutions failed to create a work culture in which employees had reason to be motivated. The coaching was not well synchronized with the employees’ job descriptions. The employees tackled work activities using the approaches learnt from their superiors. During work, employees were given support by their superiors in the institution. The employees were sometimes called upon to substitute other employees. Appointment on acting capacity prepares one for higher job positions. The study recommended that management of the institutions should formulate a strategy and establish an effective job rotation mechanism in the institutions. Coaching should be well synchronized with the employees’ job descriptions. Training-needs assessment should also be conducted to determine gaps in knowledge that must be filled through coaching. The mentoring programs in the institutions should be improved for effectiveness. The management of the institutions should continue providing opportunities for employees to serve in higher capacities which will develop the confidence of employees and afford hope for future prospects of appointment to substantive roles.
Key Words: Job Rotation, Coaching, Mentoring, Appointment, Employee Turnover
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