The objective of the study was to find out the influence of vendor rating on service delivery in state corporations in Kenya with specific reference to National Construction Authority. The study was of significance to the management of service delivery in state corporations in Kenya, suppliers and the government of Kenya. The study used descriptive research design. The target population of the study comprised of employees of National Construction Authority, managers and their assistants from different departments. The census was carried out for the 120 respondents[JA1] . Questionnaires were used to collect data. The data analysis was carried out using SPSS. The study used a multivariate regression analysis to determine the relationship between dependent variables and independent variable at 5% level of significance. It was notable that there exists a relationship between indepedent variables and depedent variable. The study showed that the independent variables in the study were able to explain 65.80% variation in the service delivery while the remaining 34.20% was explained by the variables or other aspects outside the model. This implied that these variables were very significant and they therefore needed to be considered in any effort to boost service delivery in the state corporation. The study recommended that inspection methods for supplier to be included in the approved list and assessed on quality aspects. It was also vital to establish which of the supplier knows about and was ready to implement the concept of total quality policy. The study recommended that the order handling time for goods and services should be always short as possible for the order fulfillment. The organization should ensure that the production costs should be continuously pursued by the organization. The transaction costs should continue to be relatively low and variations in prices across the organization are substantial. There is need to ensure that those who finance purchasing services have taken inefficiency that inflates procurement costs. The supplier financial stability and fiscal outlook enhance timely deliveries. The supplier bankruptcy distracts procurement process thus affecting timely deliveries of goods. The organization should ensure that there is financial soundness of the supplier contributing to a lasting partnership thus reduction of costs.
Key Words: Quality of Supplies, Lead Time, Cost of Supplies, Supplier Financial Capacity, Service Delivery
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