The study sought to assess the determinants of implementation of power distribution projects in Kenya, with a specific reference to Rural Electrification Authority. The study adopted a descriptive research design which was carried out on the study population. The target population was the project managers, consultants, supervisors and contractors at Kenya Rural Electrification Authority where a study population of 210 respondents was selected. It was established that there was notable strong positive relationship between the indepedent variables and depedent variable and determinant coefficient which was (R2 = 74.30%) implementation of power projects. This implied that these variables were very significant therefore needed to be considered in enhancing implementation of power distribution projects. The study found that nearly all the implementation of power distribution projects had experienced cost overruns. This study therefore recommended the following; organization should improve on project cost management by focusing on project cost budgeting, project cost control and project cost estimation. The study found that project time management had an influence on the implementation of power distribution projects. This study therefore recommended that project managers need to accurately estimate the activities involved in a project, the resources required in those activities and the duration of time it would take to complete those activities. This would help in ensuring that there was little or no cost overrun that comes with inflation and change in material prices. The study found that management of projects had no plans put in place to mitigate occurrence of project risks. This study recommended that organization should always have documented risk management plans in place. The organization should also focus on all aspects of project risk management like risk identification, risk analysis, risk responses, risk control and risk monitoring. The study found that lack of support from the management was one of the factors that were affecting project quality management. This study therefore recommended that top management in the implementation of power distribution projects should give the required support to project quality management team so as to ensure the implementation success of projects.
Key Words: Cost Management, Time Management, Risk Management, Quality Management, Power Distribution
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