The study explored the extent to which organizational justice influenced employee turnover, To establish extent to which Quality of Working Life influence employee turnover, To establish the extent to which job satisfaction influences employee turnover and To establish extent to which organizational commitment influences employee turnover. The study adopted a cross-sectional research study and a questionnaire was used to collect data. Multiple regression analysis was used to verify five hypotheses developed in the study. Data was analyzed using the SPSS Version 24. The result of this contributed knowledge that guides policy makers in the implementation of better human resource management strategies. Analysis of Variance helped in determining the significant relationship between the research variables. The variance of the residuals (or errors) was the value of the mean square which was 2.280. The predictors X1, X2, X3 and X4 represent the independent variables notably; (X1) Organizational fit strategies, (X2)Person organization fit strategies, (X3) Quality of work life and (X4) Job satisfaction as the major factors influencing Employee performance of the Health sector in Kenya.
Key Words: Employee Turnover, Working Life, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Employee Turnover
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