This study sought to establish the drivers of project management efficiency that are essential in contributing to the success of agricultural projects. The research was conducted in the agricultural projects financed and developed by the International Fertilizer Development Centre in Kenya. The study targeted 96 project staff members, which provided pertinent information about the research problem. A census survey technique method was used and data was collected through the use of questionnaires. The data was analyzed by use of both qualitative and quantitative methods with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). It was notable that there exists strong positive relationship between the independent variables and project management efficiency in agricultural projects. The study recommended that a needs analysis of stakeholders should be conducted. This identifies their needs and prioritizes them as well as helping in identifying the root causes of the problem. The study recommended that the top management should ensure that there are adequate communication channels to support project team activities. The top management team should motivate the project team and delegate the responsibilities to the overall team and individual teams. There should be adequate coordination of project activities and the project team adheres to the set rules, procedures and standards. The study recommended adequate financing mechanisms to enhance timely completion of projects and ensure reduction of cost overruns. The financial management of the capital invested in the project should be meant for the delivery of a quality project. There is need for transparency and accountability on the management of the project funds and other available project resources. There should be resource planning (equipment, staffing and funds) for the implementation of the project activities.
Key Words: stakeholder involvement, top management, resource allocation, monitoring and evaluation, Project management
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