The study’s main objective was to evaluate factors affecting stores management in the public sector in Administration Police Service in Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives to determine how information technology affect stores management in Administration Police Service stores in Kenya, and to evaluate how procurement staff’s training affects stores management in Administration Police Service stores in Kenya. This study used a case study design and qualitative analysis for the systematic content description. The study used stratified random sampling design, the researcher selected 160 respondents on whom he conducted the study. The researcher used questionnaires to collect primary data. Data collected was sorted, classified and coded then tabulated for ease of analysis. The data was summarized and categorized according to common themes by the use of the SPSS (version 17) computer software aided analysis. Descriptive statistics was employed to analyze the data affecting stores management in the public sector, the Administration Police Service. The study targeted a sample size of 160 respondents from which 150 filled in and returned the questionnaires making a response rate of 94%. From the findings, majority of the respondents agreed that procurement staffs training influences motivation of staffs in stores management in public sector, as shown by a mean of 4.03. The study therefore recommends that in order to ensure that the institutions remain sustainable; they should embrace information technology and procurement staffs training.
Key Words: Stores Management, Public Sector
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v2i1.93
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