This study aimed to investigate the effect of transformational leadership on organizational innovativeness in the mobile telecommunication firms in Kakamega County. Organizational innovativeness is how organizations develop new or improved products or services and its success in bringing those products or services to the market. Transformational leadership was hypothesized to have a positive influence on organizational innovation. Inspirational motivation, individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation and idealized influence were proven to be major influence of organizational innovativeness. Data was collected from 100 employees and managers of the three telecommunication firms in Kakamega County namely, Safaricom,Telkom and Airtel. The questionnaires included measures of transformational leadership; product innovations of their companies, and the degree of support they received from internal support. Organizational innovation was measured with number of patents and newly product innovations. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to test the hypothesized effects. The results of the Analysis provided support for the positive influence of transformational leadership on organizational innovation. The four factors that influence transformational leadership on organizational innovativeness were idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration that were tested in the research.
Key Words: Inspirational Motivation, Individualized Consideration, Intellectual Stimulation, Idealized Influence, Organizational Innovativeness
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