The main aim of this proposal was to investigate the effect of knowledge sharing on organizational performance of Kenyan public universities. The study was guided by the following research objectives: To determine the effect of knowledge communication on organizational performance, to investigate the effect of knowledge collaboration on organization performance, at public universities in Kenya. This research was guided by both the knowledge management model and knowledge sharing model. The study adopted a descriptive approach employing cross sectional survey design. The target population included all university of Nairobi main campus staff, while the sample population was 140 respondents. The study collected primary data. A semi-structured questionnaire comprising both open-ended and close-ended questions was used to collect data. Data was summarized, edited, coded, tabulated and analyzed. Data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. These measures was used to describe the characteristics of the collected data. The study found out that Organizational change helps an organization to optimize processes and define process oriented structure; in that case employee knowledge sharing can be adopted correctly within the organization. Effective employee knowledge sharing cannot be implemented without a significant behavioural and cultural change. The study recommends that universities should put more emphasis on training and information sharing in order to improve employee knowledge sharing.
Key Words: Knowledge Sharing, Organizational Performance
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v2i1.94
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