Change cannot be avoided when it occurs, hence it is unstoppable. The inevitability of change has made most organizations to adapt and consider it as part of the company existence. But for effective change management to be realized, organizational leaders and individual contributors alike must be able to look beyond the ‘now’ and take a more strategic leadership approach to their work and responsibilities. The main objective of this study was to establish the influence of strategic leadership on organizational change management in KPPF. Specifically, the study assessed the influence of transformative leadership, transactional leadership, bureaucratic leadership and charismatic leadership on organizational change management in Kenya Power Pension Fund. The target population of interest in this study comprised of 45 employees from the Kenya Power Pension Fund, Fund Trustees and Fund regional representatives. Given the size of the population, the researcher used census to select respondents for this study. A questionnaire was used to acquire primary data from employees. Out of 45 targeted population, 37 of the respondents completed and returned the questionnaires, this translated to a response rate of 82.2%. The data collected was analyzed using content analysis technique to obtain a quantitative description that manifests the content of the data. Strategic leadership was found to be key in change management as it explained over 60% of any change in change management. From the findings it was affirmed that, a composite effect of transformative leadership, transactional leadership and bureaucratic leadership as well as charismatic leadership contributed to as positive change management where leaders not only offered intellectual stimulation but also encouraged idealised influence as well as embracing individual consideration. As part of recommendations, management of organizations should encourage adoption of strategic leadership among employees of their respective firm.
Key Words: Transformative Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Bureaucratic Leadership, Charismatic Leadership, Change Management, Strategic Leadership
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