The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of physical employee engagement on job performance in the civil service, a case of Kakamega regional Head Quarters, Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive type of research design. The target population was comprised of 590 employees in 14 national ministries at Kakamega regional headquarters (HQ) in Kenya, from which a sample of 228 respondents were drawn from two strata; supervisory and support staff while 30 respondents from the top management was obtained by census. This made a total of 258 sample respondents. Data was collected by use of self-administered questionnaire. Inferential statistics was obtained by carrying out correlations analysis and regressions analyses to test for the degree of association (correlations) between the pair of variables and the effect of employee engagement on job performance. A hierarchical and stepwise regression was used to investigate for the moderating influence of manager’s self-efficacy on the relationship between employee physical employee engagement and job performance. Step wise regression was performed to find out the incremental contribution of Manager’s self-efficacy on the relationship between physical employee engagement and job performance. The findings of the study indicated a positive and significant relationship between physical employee engagement and Job performance. The study recommended that organizational managers should strive to physically engage their employees for improved Job performance. Furthermore, future research in this area should adopt a different research design such as a longitudinal one, to provide a better assessment of the variables and how they improve over time.
Key Words: Physical Engagement, Job Performance, Energy to Work, Work intensity, Self Efficacy
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