This study assessed the role of Monitoring and Evaluation on performance of Humanitarian and Development Aid organizations. The case study focused at Finn Church Aid as a Humanitarian and Development Aid organization. Insufficient capacity in Monitoring and Evaluation continues to cause a non-sustainable outcome for many projects. The study examined the research objectives in the context of the general objective and specific objectives. The general objective of the study was to establish how Monitoring and Evaluation determines the performance of Humanitarian and Development Aid organizations, a case of Finn Church Aid. Whereas, the specific objectives of the study determined how Staff Capacity, Survey and Surveillance, Feedback Mechanism and Donor Policy influence Humanitarian and Development Aid organization performance. The study in pursuit of effective Monitoring and Evaluation sought to give insights on how Monitoring and Evaluation influence performance of Humanitarian and Development Aid organization. The research design used for the study was descriptive survey. This was because some of the characteristics in Monitoring and Evaluation performance were perceptions, beliefs, opinions and knowledge. The target population was 180 employees from Finn Church Aid Eastern Africa Region. The researcher used Slovenes formula to derive a sample of 90 respondents for the study. The study used both primary and secondary data as collection instruments. Primary data was collected from the sample size using questionnaires, while secondary data was collected through reviews of both theoretical and empirical literatures. Pilot testing process entailed use of 10 questionnaires to asses’ questions validity and reliability factoring Cronbach’s Alpha rule. In regards to inferential statistics, Pearsons Product Correlation coefficient for regression analysis was used to link the independent variables and dependent variable.
Key Words: Monitoring and Evaluation, Staff Capacity, Survey and Surveillance, Feedback Mechanism and Donor Policy
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