This study sought to establish the influence of monitoring and evaluation in project success of gated residential housing projects in Nairobi County, Kenya. The current study was limited to gated community projects in Nairobi County as over 75% of the gated community projects in Kenya were undertaken in Nairobi County, implying that the results of the study were more representative than the same study being carried in another part of the country. Towards realization of the objective, the research adopted a descriptive research design guided by survey. The population of the study was all the 89 gated community project contractors in Nairobi, Kenya. The research was a census and therefore all the firms participated in the research. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics measures that included the mean and standard deviation. To establish the relationship, a regression was generated from the primary data collected. The finding of the study suggested that the gated community projects had put in place systems and strategies for raising monitoring budget that was separate from the main project being undertaken. Monitoring cost relates to costs incurred for consultants and physical non-contractual investments. With regard to monitoring tools, the research established that the common monitoring tools employed were logical framework matrix and input material schedule. The extent of stakeholder influence on the success of the projects was determined based on their degree of influence. It is therefore recommended contractors identify key stakeholders whose support is critical to a project success. With regard to the four variables, the research established that stakeholder evaluation and establishment of a monitoring budget had the greatest influence on the success of the gated community projects established that project success is influenced by among other the monitoring and evaluation practices adopted by a construction firm.
Key Words: Monitoring Budgeting, Project Tools, Stakeholder Analysis, Project Evaluation
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