The broad objective of the study was to determine the extent to which work life balance affects employee performance. Specifically, the study determined the extent to which flexible work schedules, job sharing among employees, employee breaks and employee assistance programs affect employee performance in the organization. The study adopted descriptive survey and case study design and targets 68 employees of the Commission on Revenue Allocation. All the 68 employees of the target population were considered. The study found that the organization lacked effective flexible working arrangements that assisted in the performance improvement. Lack of flexible work schedule had reduced encouragement to continue performing well for the organization as well the employees’ degreed of independence with their working arrangements. Successful job sharing arrangements served the needs both of individual employees and their work unit/departments. The commission did not encourage job sharing. There was a significance effect of employee breaks on employee performance. Employees felt re-energized and worked better after their annual leave. The employees were more committed because they were not denied any benefit because of taking leaves as demonstrated. There lacked effective employee assistance programs in the organization. The study recommended that the commission should establish effective flexible work schedules to enable employees attend to work and personal matters. There lacked adequate job sharing in the commission. The study therefore recommended that the commission should embrace job sharing and provide team building programs. The study recommended that the leave package should be enhanced to suit the current life styles. The commission should provide employee assistance programs such as child care unity which ensured that employees are not bothered about their children since they were assured of their care. This would improve their concentration and performance on their work.
Key Words: Flexible Work Schedules, Job Sharing, Employee Breaks, Employee Assistance, Employee Performance
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i4.966
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