This study investigated the impact of participative resource mobilization in the implementation of community water projects on the wellbeing of beneficiaries in Kisumu County. It was acknowledged that water services still pose a major challenge in Kenya and particularly in Kisumu County. The study sought to understand the role Participative resource mobilization played in ensuring successful implementation of community water projects in the informal settlements of Kisumu and the influence it had on beneficiaries’ wellbeing. The specific objectives includes: participative labor sourcing, finance mobilization and sourcing project materials. The study employed descriptive survey research design. The target population was 360 households drawn from four areas in Kisumu (Obunga, Panga, Wandiege and Asengo). Sampling techniques used was stratified, giving a sample size of 189 households. Data collection was done using questionnaires and thereafter was analyzed quantitatively using SPSS tool and presented in form of frequencies, and tables. The findings revealed that participative resource mobilization and efficient project implementation were statistically significant to the well-being of beneficiaries of community water projects in the informal settlement of Kisumu. The study recommended that the implementing agencies should consider training community members with relevant skills that will enable them implement, operate and maintain the projects.
Key words: Project implementation, Community Participation, Resource Mobilization, Households’ well-being
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