The main objective of the research was to reveal the influence of social media tools on the sharing of knowledge in Kenyan universities. The research population was arrived at and evaluated using purposive sampling, while data was gathered using questionnaires. The study further adopted descriptive research design with a statistical sample of 233 students from the Faculty of Information Technology at Strathmore University. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 was the software used to analyse the gathered data. Descriptive statistics (percentage and frequency) were used to present as well as deduce the major findings for the research. Inferential statistics comprising correlation, multiple linear regression models and ANOVA analysis were used to find out the connection between the dependent and independent variables. Results of the study revealed that the four constructs namely social media determinants, user perceptions, social media tools and social media barriers have a significant influence on knowledge sharing in Kenyan universities. The findings further depicted that the studied social media tools (Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, and blogs) resulted in better communication, collaboration, interaction and knowledge sharing amongst the students in Kenyan universities, and hence generally improved knowledge sharing. The ANOVA results revealed that social media had a significant influence on knowledge sharing. The study concluded that social media contributed immensely to knowledge sharing in one way or another amongst university students in Kenya. The study therefore recommended that Kenyan universities enhanced social media use for knowledge sharing through adopting social media as substitute to official communication, drafting comprehensive social media policies which include sections on knowledge sharing, ensuring security and controls over information shared via social media, facilitating students to have portable gadgets such as smartphone, laptops among others, and finally introducing units on social media in their curriculum.
Key Words: social media tools, social media determinants, user perception, impression, social media impact
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